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Migrate from version V0.x.x to V1.x.x

There are a decent amount of breaking changes when moving from version 6.x.x to version 7.x.x. Although the interface has changed, the available endpoints/information have not, so there should be no need to completely rewrite your program. Most endpoints are now available under a slightly different name or path, and most data models have remained the same, barring a few renames. In this document most changes will be described. If you have any other questions or issues when updating, feel free to open an issue.

Changes related to IExchangeClient, options and client structure are also (partially) covered in the CryptoExchange.Net Migration Guide


There are a few namespace changes:

Type Old New
Clients FTX.Net FTX.Net.Clients
Client interfaces FTX.Net.Interfaces FTX.Net.Interfaces.Clients
Objects FTX.Net.Objects FTX.Net.Objects.Models

Client options

The BaseAddress and rate limiting options are now under the SpotApiOptions.

var ftxClient = new FTXClient(new FTXClientOptions
	ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("API-KEY", "API-SECRET"),
	BaseAddress = "ADDRESS",
	RateLimitingBehaviour = RateLimitingBehaviour.Fail


var ftxClient = new FTXClient(new FTXClientOptions
	ApiCredentials = new ApiCredentials("API-KEY", "API-SECRET"),
	SpotApiOptions = new RestApiClientOptions
		BaseAddress = "ADDRESS",
		RateLimitingBehaviour = RateLimitingBehaviour.Fail

Client structure

Version 1 adds the TradeApi and GeneralApi Api clients under the FTXClient, and a topic underneath that. This is done to keep the same client structure as other exchange implementations, more info on this here. In the FTXSocketClient a Streams Api client is added. This means all calls will have changed, though most will only need to add TradeApi.[Topic].XXX/Streams.XXX:


var balances = await ftxClient.GetBalancesAsync();
var withdrawals = await ftxClient.GetWithdrawalHistoryAsync();

var tradeHistory = await ftxClient.GetTradeHistoryAsync("BTC/USD");
var symbols = await ftxClient.GetSymbolsAsync();

var order = await ftxClient.PlaceOrderAsync();
var trades = await ftxClient.GetUserTradesAsync();

var sub = ftxSocketClient.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("BTC/USD", DataHandler);


var balances = await ftxClient.TradeApi.Account.GetBalancesAsync();
var withdrawals = await ftxClient.TradeApi.Account.GetWithdrawalHistoryAsync();

var tradeHistory = await ftxClient.TradeApi.ExchangeData.GetTradeHistoryAsync("BTC/USD");
var symbols = await ftxClient.TradeApi.ExchangeData.GetSymbolsAsync();

var order = await ftxClient.TradeApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync();
var trades = await ftxClient.TradeApi.Trading.GetUserTradesAsync();

var sub = ftxSocketClient.Streams.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync("BTC/USD", DataHandler);


Some names have been changed to a common definition. This includes where the name is part of a bigger name

Old New
asset.Id asset.Name
StartTime/Open/High/Low/Close OpenTime/OpenPrice/HighPrice/LowPrice/ClosePrice
BestAsk/BestBid BestAskPrice/BestBidPrice
Cancelled Canceled
Coin Asset

Some names have slightly changed to be consistent across different libraries
FilledQuantity -> QuantityFilled
balance.Free -> balance.Available