Basic operations

Make sure to read the CryptoExchange.Net documentation on processing responses.

Get market data

// Getting info on all symbols
var symbolData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetSymbolsAsync();

// Getting tickers for all symbols
var tickerData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetTickersAsync();

// Getting the order book of a symbol
var orderBookData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetOrderBookAsync("BTC-USDT");

// Getting recent trades of a symbol
var tradeHistoryData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.ExchangeData.GetTradeHistoryAsync("BTC-USDT");

Requesting balances

var accountData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Account.GetBalancesAsync();

Placing order

// Placing a buy limit order for 0.001 BTC at a price of 50000USDT each
var orderData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync(
// Placing a market buy order for 50USDT
var orderData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync(
                quoteQuantity: 50);         
// Place a stop loss order, place a limit order of 0.001 BTC at 39000USDT each when the last trade price drops below 40000USDT
var orderData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Trading.PlaceConditionalOrderAsync(
                new BittrexUnplacedOrder
                    Price = 39000,
                    Quantity = 0.001m,
                    Side = OrderSide.Sell,
                    Type = OrderType.Limit,
                    Symbol = "BTC-USDT",
                    TimeInForce = TimeInForce.GoodTillCanceled                    
                triggerPrice: 40000);

Requesting a specific order

// Request info on order with id `1234`
var orderData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Trading.GetOrderAsync("1234");

Requesting order history

// Get all orders conform the parameters
 var ordersData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Trading.GetClosedOrdersAsync();

Cancel order

// Cancel order with id `1234`
var orderData = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Trading.CancelOrderAsync("1234");

Get user trades

var userTradesResult = await bittrexRestClient.SpotApi.Trading.GetUserTradesAsync();

Subscribing to market data updates

var subscribeResult = await bittrexSocketClient.SpotStreams.SubscribeToTickerUpdatesAsync(data =>
    // Handle ticker data

Subscribing to order updates

var subscribeResult = await bittrexSocketClient.SpotStreams.SubscribeToOrderUpdatesAsync(data =>
    data =>
      // Handle order updates