
DeepCoin.Net is a client library for accessing the DeepCoin REST and Websocket API.


  • Response data is mapped to descriptive models
  • Input parameters and response values are mapped to discriptive enum values where possible
  • Automatic websocket (re)connection management
  • Client side rate limiting
  • Cient side order book implementation
  • Extensive logging
  • Support for different environments
  • Easy integration with other exchange client based on the CryptoExchange.Net base library
This library is based on the CryptoExchange.Net base package and can be used in combination with other exchange packages!

Supported Frameworks

The library is targeting both .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Standard 2.1 for optimal compatibility

.NET implementation Version Support
.NET Core2.0 and higher
.NET Framework4.6.1 and higher
Mono5.4 and higher
Xamarin.iOS10.14 and higher
Xamarin.Android8.0 and higher
UWP10.0.16299 and higher
Unity2018.1 and higher


A Discord server is available here. Feel free to join for discussion and/or questions around the CryptoExchange.Net and implementation libraries.

Support the project


Make a one time donation in a crypto currency of your choice. If you prefer to donate a currency not listed here please contact me.

Btc: bc1q277a5n54s2l2mzlu778ef7lpkwhjhyvghuv8qf
Eth: 0xcb1b63aCF9fef2755eBf4a0506250074496Ad5b7


Alternatively, sponsor me on Github using Github Sponsors.

Any support is greatly appreciated.

Getting Started

The package is available on Nuget. After installing the package the DeepCoin API is available by using the DeepCoinRestClient and DeepCoinSocketClient.

More information and usage documentation is available at the CryptoExchange.Net documentation page



dotnet add package DeepCoin.Net
GitHub packages

DeepCoin.Net is available on GitHub packages. You'll need to add as a NuGet package source.

Download release

The NuGet package files are added along side the source with the latest GitHub release which can found here.

API Access

DeepCoin.Net can be configured using Dotnet dependency injection, after which the clients can be injected into your services. It also correctly configures logging and HttpClient usage.

// Configure options from config file
// see for an example
// OR
 builder.Services.AddDeepCoin(options => {
  // Configure options in code
  options.ApiCredentials = new DeepCoinApiCredentials("APIKEY", "APISECRET", "APIPASS");

The IDeepCoinRestClient and IDeepCoinSocketClient can then be injected.

Alternatively the rest and socket client can be constructed directly

var restClient = new DeepCoinRestClient(options => {
  // Options can be configured here, for example:
  options.ApiCredentials = new DeepCoinApiCredentials("APIKEY", "APISECRET", "APIPASS");
var socketClient = new DeepCoinSocketClient();


Get Symbols

Get a list of supported symbols on DeepCoin

var deepCoinClient = new DeepCoinRestClient();
await deepCoinClient.ExchangeApi.ExchangeData.GetSymbolsAsync();
Get Symbol Tickers

Get the 24h price ticker of all spot symbols

var deepCoinClient = new DeepCoinRestClient();

var result = await deepCoinClient.ExchangeApi.ExchangeData.GetTickersAsync(SymbolType.Spot);
Get Balances

Get asset balances of the USDT swap account

var deepCoinClient = new DeepCoinRestClient(options => {
    options.ApiCredentials = new DeepCoinApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET", "PASS");

var result = await deepCoinClient.ExchangeApi.Account.GetBalancesAsync(SymbolType.Swap);
Place Limit Order

Place a new limit order for buying 0.1 ETH at a price of 2000 USDT

var deepCoinClient = new DeepCoinRestClient(options => {
    options.ApiCredentials = new DeepCoinApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET", "PASS");

var result = await deepCoinClient.ExchangeApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync(
Place Market Order

Place a new market order for buying 50 USDT worth of ETH at the best available price

var deepCoinClient = new DeepCoinRestClient(options => {
    options.ApiCredentials = new DeepCoinApiCredentials("KEY", "SECRET", "PASS");

var result = await deepCoinRestClient.ExchangeApi.Trading.PlaceOrderAsync(
    quantityType: QuantityType.QuoteAsset);